Monday, April 25, 2011

Case Study - London Jensen - Kent, WA

London Jensen

Personal experience: Growing up in Kent, Washington I never really had a sex ed class. The only time this topic was even brought up was in my health classes, but only for a short period of time. Because of this we learned the basics, like about STD’s and pregnancy, but because such a short time was given to sex education I think this may have been a reason for the number of teen pregnancies in my school compared to others. Out of all the schools in Kent, I attended Kentlake, which is probably one of the less diverse schools and also one of the least affected by teen pregnancy but even here we had a number of teen pregnancies. In other areas of Kent, such as the valley, where the income seemed to be lower there were a lot more pregnancies, it was not too uncommon of a thing. I think this could have stemmed from the lack of sex education which could have come from the lack of funding given to this topic.

Population of Kent, WA: 92,411 (As of 2010 Census)
Median Income: 50,053
-          Men’s median: 43,136
-          Women’s median: 36,995
-          Below poverty line: 8.7% of families; 11.6% of the population
Crime index: 441.5; U.S. average: 319.2 (higher means more crime
Politics: 28% Republican, 71% Democrat, 1% other (2008 Presidential Election results for King County)
Education: Has four main public high schools: Kentwood High School, Kentridge High School, Kentlake High School, and Kent-Meridian High School; as well as two alternative high schools: Regional Justice Center and Night Academy
Pregnancy Rates: 16.4 (births to females age 15-17; rates per 1000)
-          Lowest rates in North and East King County and the highest rates are in South King County (where Kent is located) and Seattle
-          Compared to white center/skyway: 28.8; Eastgate/Issaquah: 2.9
Pregnancy Resource Centers: Pregnancy Aid, Kent Valley Health Center: Planned Parenthood


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